Whenever you're working on something and you ask somebody for help and then they all of a sudden they deside to give up and let you continue working, or they don't help they just stand there and kind of watch you, thats gotta be irritating as hell. Right?
Me, I'm barely 5 foot tall and a water cooler is pretty damn close to 75+ pounds. When I ask for help, usually is for a good reason because I like to do things myself without help. It makes me feel accomplished. But anyway, when i was putting in an AC, I had to life it pretty high and i needed some help. My all too happy to not help brother was in the house and when he came outside, "Ok 1,2,3 Lift."
While i amd using all my stregth to hold up the friggin AC i see my brother just standing there...watching. "What the hell? Gonna help me or not?" "Nah, you look like you got it." I'm struggling at this point and i lift it into the window and i ask my brother to go in the house and hold it up so i can screw it in. I waited for a few minutes and yelled C'mon! "Okay, okay! hold on, I'm getting a snack, okay?!" was his response. Are you friggin kidding me?
"Never-frickin-mind! You're more useless that the A-Y in okay!"
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